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A love for bees

POLIFILM FRANCE’s continued commitment to environmental protection

A location committed to conservation –

POLIFILM FRANCE is located in the middle of the “Biovallée ®” where nature conservation is a top priority.

Aouste sur Sye is nestled in the Drôme valley, in the heart of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in southwestern France. Here you find picturesque river landscapes, endless lavender fields and extensive forest areas and of course, POLIFILM FRANCE. How the region, known as a Biovallée ®, and a company in the plastics industry co-exist together can be demonstrated by amongst other things, a bee project run by POLIFILM.  

Contribution to biodiversity

The Département Drôme at the foot of the Alps enjoys a unique reputation in terms of nature conservation and sustainability. Of all the 96 departments in France, it produces the most organic food. It also has a large biodiversity and focuses on the preservation of its ecosystems. Local companies are aware of their environmental responsibilities and are committed to complying with the highest standards in respect of climate gas emissions and environmental pollution. POLIFILM FRANCE however, goes one step further.

A protected area on the company premises became home to a bee colony

In 2003, when POLIFILM FRANCE located to Aouste sur Sye, a green area between the two farm buildings lay unused. The company planted trees there and also a natural meadow. In 2017 new fruit trees and lavender were planted. Since that date peaches, figs, apples, pears and hazelnuts have been grown on the site. In 2019, Managing Director Franck Valette had a thought: Why not also offer a home to the most important pollinators? Why not host a bee colony on the company premises? The idea was very well received by the colleagues and so, with the help of a local bee-keeper, a bee project was started. Employees were trained in bee handling andhoney extraction. Three beehives were purchased and more trees planted to provide them with protection from the wind. In 2022 a fourth hive was added.

A team of bee enthusiasts

Since then, the staff members have enthusiastically taken on the responsibility of looking after the bees. Two of them check and clean the hives daily and provide sugar water to the bees in periods of drought. As the pollen season draws to a close, more helping hands are needed. The honeycombs are opened the honey removed, which is then filtered and bottled. One hive is always left unharvested so that the bees have enough honey in reserve for the winter.

Around 40 kilograms of honey produced from pollen in a 4 Km radius

The yield is impressive. POLIFILM FRANCE produces up to 40 kilograms of honey. The pollen for this comes not only from their own fruit trees but many cultivated fields, lots of flowering lavender, a natural river and mountain flora, all within a 4 Kms. This nature is reflected in the aroma of the honey produced which is distributed amongst employees and is proving to be very popular. The success of the project may lead to more hives being added in the future.

What is certain however, is that the bees of POLIFILM FRANCE are the best ambassadors for environmental protection and corporate responsibility. We are proud to continue the support of our much loved POLIBEES.

Your Contact


Constanze Müller

Marketing Specialist

Send message +49 2267 697 4140